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What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:54 am
by skb12172
I've more or less drawn my line in the sand. I consider it to be a temporary situation, with society reforming to some extent. This could be after a natural disaster like Katrina, or something more deadly like an asteroid strike, yet not so deadly that it destroys all life. My prepping plans involve no more than 2-3 months of having to depend on my own. Any longer, or if we actually get to TEOTWAWKI, without modern meds I'm going to be assuming room temperature, anyway. Therefore, I consider it wasted effort to plan for such when there's no way I'm going to survive it if the pharmaceutical factories are no longer producing the things which keep me alive.

How about all of you? Are you prepping for Katrina? Mad Max? Something in between, like me? Nothing? What are the plans you feel comfortable sharing?

We haven't had a prepping/survival thread in awhile and I thought we might be overdue.

Fire Away!

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:04 am
by Jered
It means nothing.

The first rule about SHTF is that I don't post about SHTF on the internet.

Other than to say that everything is fine and that I live in denial, that is.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:29 am
by evan price
I divide things between three levels.

First is a simple disruption of services. A Level Three snow alert, ice storm, power lines down sort of event.
For that I try to keep the pantry full of staples: Beans, bacon, sugar, soups, canned goods, freezer meat, soap, TP, etc. Keep kerosene lanterns and space heaters and plenty of kero on hand, propane tanks for the gas grill, petrol for the vehicles & generators & diesel for the tractor so I don't have to try to find a filling station that's open. Extra meds, extra blankets & clothing, etc. Plus I keep some extra capacity on hand for family/friends/neighbors that are not so fortunate.

Second is a SHTF situation. That is a Katrina style situation where we have long term disruption of normal that is not expected to resolve soon, localized infectious outbreak, etc...We bug in.
Could be civil unrest, could be a failure of lawful society thing. See preps for #1, but stay home and prepare to repel boarders. Keep plenty of Beans, Bullets, Bacon, Bandaids, Booze, Bottled H2O, Bleach.

Third is the full on Zombie Apocalypse. This is people driving around the wasteland with colanders on their faces. At that point it's no rules, no bag limits, no ATF worries. Use your imagination, but #1 & #2 preps figure into that but with more deeper storage.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:30 am
by Jered
Do you have assless chaps?

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:01 am
by Aesop
9/11, the Northridge Quake, the Rodney King riots: major disruption, but still not SHTF.

If there aren't troops everywhere, or mobs with torches and pitchforks making you wish there were, it's just a show on cable, whether it's fiction or live-action reality.

When troops everywhere doesn't sort things out, or actively makes them worse, you're getting much closer to that threshold.

When suspension of the Constitution is either wholesale from on high a-purpose, or widespread due to a total dearth of ability to affect that situation, I think you're crossed over the line from mere disruption on the scale of Buffalo Springfield's "For What it's Worth", to the Thunderdome world of assless chaps and face colanders.

And it ruins the mythos of the Lone Hero, but this forum is way oversubscribed with total numbers of Mad Maxes, Gyrocopter Guys, and Feral Children.

I can only wish that's how George Miller would approach the next Mad Max revisit: more Expendables, less Man With No Name.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:10 am
by Weetabix
Who is gynocopter guy? Sounds messy.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:12 am
by Greg
Weetabix wrote:Who is gynocopter guy? Sounds messy.
Hey Freud, your slip is showing. :lol:

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:33 am
by evan price
Jered wrote:Do you have assless chaps?
Aren't all chaps assless? Otherwise they'd be pants! :lol:

I've said it before, if it truly goes TEOTWAWKI, I plan on opening a store selling bondage gear and booze. SOMEBODY has to make codpieces for Lord Humongous and keep his boys in liquor.

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:26 pm
by Weetabix
SHTF to me means prolonged interruption of services AND a period of lawlessness. Katrina was an example.

I'm woefully underprepared. :roll:

Re: What Does SHTF Mean To You?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:08 am
by arctictom
Power goes out for a week or two at 40 below, or we get heavy prolonged snow fall, people get pretty , shady, and they pannic, also any prolonged interuption in shipping also does it .
Living in the great white north you are self sufficient or you will be removed from the gene via active natural selection.