Fortify master bedroom door?

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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Yogimus »

He didn't seem to understand that there would be no "unarmed civilians" breaking through a saudi base to get to the squishy U.S. center, and then blockading into a house.
Old Grafton
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Old Grafton »

"OPFOR ran out..... (unmentioned outbursts of single-word profanity)" LMAO
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Yogimus »

So I was working as NCOIC of the primary gate to the base, when the same guy came up and decided to quiz me on "VBED" procedures.

"So what would you do if you saw someone drive up here with a vehicle laden with explosives?"
- I would wave them on, and wish them a good day. When they take my eyes off of me, I would draw my beretta, and place 15 rounds into his head, neck, and shoulders, after which the sound of "click click click" would alert my fellow gate guard that something was amiss.

... talking to about geneva conventions ensues

- So what the hell should I do? CHALLENGE him? What is he gonna say, "Damn ya got me" and NOT detonate? Screw that, man, I am not gonna leave my boots in the bottom of a crater.

/48 days later I get blown up.
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Jericho941 »

Considering that there's security video out there of a checkpoint where a similar thing happens and all the guard has time to do is back up with an "oh shit" before getting vaporized... yeah.

Finance is a weird career field. After interacting with some comptrollers over a couple weeks, it became clear that they simply do not understand anything that goes against any given rule, let alone why a rule won't work simply because it exists. They know how things are supposed to work, so if the outcome is negative, someone must be to blame. So if you get blown up by a VBIED at the gate, it's because you didn't challenge Johnny Jihad properly. As corny as it might sound, they really do expect the threat to end the moment the bad guy gets caught, like in a TV crime drama. The very idea that a suicide bomber would react to getting caught by suicide bombing a bit early doesn't make sense to them, because that's against the rules. Anything else simply doesn't exist on their flow chart.
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by skb12172 »

Jericho941 wrote:Considering that there's security video out there of a checkpoint where a similar thing happens and all the guard has time to do is back up with an "oh shit" before getting vaporized... yeah.

Finance is a weird career field. After interacting with some comptrollers over a couple weeks, it became clear that they simply do not understand anything that goes against any given rule, let alone why a rule won't work simply because it exists. They know how things are supposed to work, so if the outcome is negative, someone must be to blame. So if you get blown up by a VBIED at the gate, it's because you didn't challenge Johnny Jihad properly. As corny as it might sound, they really do expect the threat to end the moment the bad guy gets caught, like in a TV crime drama. The very idea that a suicide bomber would react to getting caught by suicide bombing a bit early doesn't make sense to them, because that's against the rules. Anything else simply doesn't exist on their flow chart.

I've often thought the career field attracts a certain mindset which "may" be on the very high end of the spectrum. It would certainly explain the lack of flexibility, in the form of adherence to rules and structure, because rules and structure.
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by HTRN »

We've had previous threads about such things as window glass, and "defensive landscaping", something else you might want to look into - anything to make a theoretical home invader go "nope, fuck this, onto the next house".
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Precision »

Aesop wrote:If I were going to that level of remodel, I'd seriously consider dropping in an Armorcore panel or steel plate, because once you've ripped it that far apart, what the hell...?
I can do my own sheetrock work. It takes me a bit of time, but it is relatively easy work and only costs time. Those panels are NOT cheap and cost me significant money.

My theory is a dedicated guy who bounces off the door would immediately transition left or right 2 feet and go through the wall. My plan would fairly effectively stop that as well as add strength to the door set up by making the wall and door frame stronger. It would also allow you to double or triple stud the door frame assembly. In any event, it should certainly buy you the time to grab the SHTF shotgun, reload or whatever was needed.

Perhaps use armorcore panels on the lower half and use Yogi's idea for return fire through the plywood on the top half.
Although protection vs .357 costs $15 per square foot. :o or $480 per sheet of plywood size
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Vonz90 »

Yogimus wrote:I was told my method of house clearing violates the UCMJ, the Laws of armed conflict, and the Geneva Conventions.

Funny story, the captain from finance was placed in charge of my unit (due to a "it's the air force and we are fucking retarded" rule) and he wanted to see us to retake an abandoned house. I took a 20 liter jerry can (empty) strapped a road flare (real) to it, lit it, and threw it in through one of the windows. Opfor ran out, I ordered my 240 gunner to light em up.... Then I had a talking to.
In my last ever deployment, my job was running a security group for different VIP's visiting A'stan. I mostly had Army infantry working plus some Navy MA's and Marine MP's. The AF sent female Protocol officers with no combat arms training. I was able to work swaps with staff elements in different groups to get a couple of pretty decent AF JO's with enough background that they were useful, but just wow.

We tried talking to the AF guys who were sending the personal, but they insisted that they were right 'cause that was what was written in the requirements for the billet that they had.
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Aesop »

Precision wrote:Although protection vs .357 costs $15 per square foot. :o or $480 per sheet of plywood size
There's nothing wrong with beefing up the walls that you outline.
I note purely for informational purposes that a trip to the ER for a minor GSW (survivable) is in the vicinity of $5-10K.
Serious wounds start at about $25K, and go to $OMFG!
So it's all relative to how much you have to spend, and what you decide the priorities and pitfalls are.

I'm also a big fan of internal roller shutters that can seal off the sleeping wing of a house.
They aren't cheap either, but they're relatively unobtrusive, sturdy, require time, tools, or explosives to breach, make a helluva racket if attempted, and buy more time and distance than anything one could do to beef up an interior door for the same price. And you potentially block the problem-set from all the bedrooms at once, if the home's architecture is conducive.

People in this country haven't built houses like they routinely and sensibly do in Europe or the Third World since about the time the frontier was "pacified", and that short-sightedness is beginning to become obvious as such to everyone.
Unfortunately, home invaders figured it out about 50 years earlier than the rest of us.
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Re: Fortify master bedroom door?

Post by Yogimus »

If you are dealing with ground floor, use plywood instead of sheetrock, or behind the sheetrock, and fill the spaces between the 2x4-s with sand, to about 3 or 4 feet. For the door, get an inward opening door with an exterior brace, preferrably a 2 stage one, where if the 1st stage fails the 2nd stage catches after 3 inches of space. This will fuck a stack up very badly, and cause a logjam on a tac entry. Finally, the door should be at the end of an indent like so


where you can engage the stack through the wall, and require someone to actually enter the kill zone to manipulate the handle.
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