Pocket clip Help please!

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Pocket clip Help please!

Post by DavidB »

My Cold Steel Crawford Model 1's pocket clip has disappeared. No idea what happened. The threads look fine. Tried Knife Kits, no joy. Tried Cold Steel's new owners, spoke on the phone, sent pix, they said they would refer to a manager, nothing.
Any suggestions? A pocket clip is necessary, about any solution would be fine.
Thank you!
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Re: Pocket clip Help please!

Post by HTRN »

DavidB wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 12:14 am Tried Cold Steel's new owners, spoke on the phone, sent pix, they said they would refer to a manager, nothing.
You gave up trying to talk to them after a single phone call?! :roll:

Here's a hint - the only time any company gives two shits about you or your concerns is when A) you're about to give them a good chunk of money or B) you're about to cost them a big chunk of money. Otherwise, you're a nuisance to them when they could be doing their primary mission - accomplishing A and avoiding B. Call them back, this time record video of it, (notify them you're recording, nobody looks good being jackpotted. Be a bit confrontational about being blown off. Either you'll get it resolved, or you have something to put up on YouTube, and then make threads on various gun and knife forums. Get a decent number of views, and you're no longer a nuisance, but have moved into category B... :ugeek:
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Re: Pocket clip Help please!

Post by DavidB »

Three phone calls, three emails this past week. Also tried Crawford Knives, they said they don’t carry parts! I just want to get a clip and screws. Any ideas???
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Re: Pocket clip Help please!

Post by Vonz90 »

DavidB wrote: Wed May 05, 2021 8:55 am Three phone calls, three emails this past week. Also tried Crawford Knives, they said they don’t carry parts! I just want to get a clip and screws. Any ideas???
The screw should be a standard thread size so you can probably buy that on the innerwebs someplace. Maybe find a cheap knife with a similar clip you can transfer?
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Re: Pocket clip Help please!

Post by Precision »

look up (google) knife making components. There are LOTS of such places and they have all kinds of parts
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Re: Pocket clip Help please!

Post by DavidB »

GSM, company that bought Cold Steel, just replaced the knife. Think I’ll take the clip screws out and Locktite them in!
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