I was at a coin shop, turning paper money into gold, and the proprietor had a Patton sword for sale, 1914 manufacture, for $450. The knucklebow may have been re-welded to the pommel, is the only thing that could be wrong with it. I'll have to get a better look. No tent peg scabbard, and the blade was in good condition.
I like historical stuff, and a Patton sword is the cheapest way to get a "real" sword, in my mind. Plus, it could be fun to get drunk and go swashbuckle in the backyard.
Should I buy a Patton sword?
- Mike OTDP
- Posts: 2418
- Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:42 pm
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
They're good swords. But remember, they are primarily thrusting weapons.
- JAG2955
- Posts: 3044
- Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:21 pm
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
It's a neat vestigal arm. A cool what-could-have-been, in the military world.
- Posts: 8486
- Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:15 pm
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
At times recently I have been sorely tempted to buy a halberd.JAG2955 wrote:It's a neat vestigal arm. A cool what-could-have-been, in the military world.
Maybe we're just jaded, but your villainy is not particularly impressive. -Ennesby
If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything. -Unknown
Sanity is the process by which you continually adjust your beliefs so they are predictively sound. -esr
If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything. -Unknown
Sanity is the process by which you continually adjust your beliefs so they are predictively sound. -esr
- Darrell
- Posts: 6586
- Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:12 pm
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
I think this belongs here:JAG2955 wrote:I like historical stuff, and a Patton sword is the cheapest way to get a "real" sword, in my mind. Plus, it could be fun to get drunk and go swashbuckle in the backyard.

Eppur si muove--Galileo
- Posts: 1576
- Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:07 am
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
The wire sticking out of the rubber hand at the wrist was the best part.Darrell wrote:I think this belongs here:JAG2955 wrote:I like historical stuff, and a Patton sword is the cheapest way to get a "real" sword, in my mind. Plus, it could be fun to get drunk and go swashbuckle in the backyard.
I'm not old--It's too early to be this late.
- Posts: 12403
- Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:05 am
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
Well, fhere goes using it to saber champagne bottles.Mike OTDP wrote:They're good swords. But remember, they are primarily thrusting weapons.
HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat
Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt
Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt
- Windy Wilson
- Posts: 4875
- Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:32 am
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
Could I do that with an el Cheapo Chinese or Pakistani Saber or would I have to spring for something more government issue?HTRN wrote:Well, fhere goes using it to saber champagne bottles.Mike OTDP wrote:They're good swords. But remember, they are primarily thrusting weapons.
The use of the word "but" usually indicates that everything preceding it in a sentence is a lie.
"I believe in Freedom of Speech, but". . .
"I support the Second Amendment, but". . .
"I believe in Freedom of Speech, but". . .
"I support the Second Amendment, but". . .
- Posts: 12403
- Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:05 am
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
I've heard of it being done with lawnmower blades.Windy Wilson wrote:Could I do that with an el Cheapo Chinese or Pakistani Saber or would I have to spring for something more government issue?HTRN wrote:Well, fhere goes using it to saber champagne bottles.Mike OTDP wrote:They're good swords. But remember, they are primarily thrusting weapons.

Ideally, you want to use something with a sweeping blade, but if you have a machete about, it will probably work fine, just remember, the trick is to get it ice cold, hold it by the punt, then swing along the seam. Also, you might want to use the back edge of the blade, so you dont damage the cutting edge.
HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat
Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt
Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt
- Posts: 1840
- Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:04 am
Re: Should I buy a Patton sword?
Alton Brown recommends a curved blade for champagne ops but did mention lawn mower blades as well...