Overheard on the net

The place to talk about knives, swords, edged weapons, sticks and impact weapons, restraints, and and the techniques and tools for preparedness and survival without firearms.
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Overheard on the net

Post by randy »

From the comments section to this post on Roberta X's blog:
IMO, any adult human -- and most children past a certain degree of maturity -- ought to carry a knife. Otherwise you're just a chimp with a haircut.
...even before I read MHI, my response to seeing a poster for the stars of the latest Twilight movies was "I see 2 targets and a collaborator".
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by Rich »

That's why I carry a Victronics Swisstool and have a Leatherman Wave in reserve. If it didn't give the faint of heart conniptions, I'd strap on my K-Bar Bowie too. :?
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by PawPaw »

"chimp with a haircut". I like that.

I've been carrying a pocket knife since I was about 8 years old. My fourth grade teacher not only knew, but counted on the fact that every boy (and most of the girls) carried a pocket knife of some sort. When she had a package in the classroom, she'd ask to borrow a knife and fifteen boys would start digging in their pockets. Then, she'd critique the choices and judge the sharpness and maintenance of the instruments.

Make no mistake, Ms. LaCour would ridicule a student who showed up with a dull blade, a rusty hinge, or a dirty knife.

Times have changed just a little bit since the early '60s.
Dennis Dezendorf
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by MarkD »

A few years ago my manager saw.me cutting open something with the mini multi tool I carry in the change pocket of my jeans, among other things it has a blade just over an inch long. She told me "Mark, we have a no weapons policy". She didn't know about the Kershaw Skyline in my pocket. Or the full sized multi tool in my backpack. Or the other full sized multi tool in my drawer.

I decided DADT was the rule.
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by HTRN »

Better a chimp with a haircut, than spending $$$$$ fighting a ridiculous weapons charge.. :cry:
HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat

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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by Odahi »

I've noticed it too. There was a commercial on a while back, where the family gave the father a present. He had to use a pair of scissors to open the box. :roll: "Manly" guy, with a stubble-beard and everything. I work with some very smart and accomplished people, and of the 25 or so of us, only three of us have pocket knives. My friend Mike collects them, and carries a different one every few days. I have my little Old Timer, and I think Rick carries a Swiss Army Knife of some flavor or other. "City folks." :P
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by 308Mike »

HTRN wrote:Better a chimp with a haircut, than spending $$$$$ fighting a ridiculous weapons charge.. :cry:
If anyone is interested in helping change or fight some of the ridiculous knife laws in your state (or any other state), I suggest you check out an organization which is acting as the NRA for knife laws (and I'm a plank owner - one of the very first members).

A person properly schooled in right and wrong is safe with any weapon. A person with no idea of good and evil is unsafe with a knitting needle, or the cap from a ballpoint pen.

I remain pessimistic given the way BATF and the anti gun crowd have become tape worms in the guts of the Republic. - toad
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by Greg »

MarkD wrote:A few years ago my manager saw.me cutting open something with the mini multi tool I carry in the change pocket of my jeans, among other things it has a blade just over an inch long. She told me "Mark, we have a no weapons policy". She didn't know about the Kershaw Skyline in my pocket. Or the full sized multi tool in my backpack. Or the other full sized multi tool in my drawer.

I decided DADT was the rule.
And yet the pen holder on every desk has a pair of scissors, and not the rounded tip 'safety' aka preschool scissors. And the office supply cabinet is full of box cutters.
Maybe we're just jaded, but your villainy is not particularly impressive. -Ennesby

If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything. -Unknown
Sanity is the process by which you continually adjust your beliefs so they are predictively sound. -esr
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by MarkD »

Greg wrote:
MarkD wrote:A few years ago my manager saw.me cutting open something with the mini multi tool I carry in the change pocket of my jeans, among other things it has a blade just over an inch long. She told me "Mark, we have a no weapons policy". She didn't know about the Kershaw Skyline in my pocket. Or the full sized multi tool in my backpack. Or the other full sized multi tool in my drawer.

I decided DADT was the rule.
And yet the pen holder on every desk has a pair of scissors, and not the rounded tip 'safety' aka preschool scissors. And the office supply cabinet is full of box cutters.
Not in my office, we have one pair of scissors in the whole office, and no box cutters. They're the weapon of choice of the 9/11 terrorists you know.
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Re: Overheard on the net

Post by Greg »

MarkD wrote:
Greg wrote:
MarkD wrote:A few years ago my manager saw.me cutting open something with the mini multi tool I carry in the change pocket of my jeans, among other things it has a blade just over an inch long. She told me "Mark, we have a no weapons policy". She didn't know about the Kershaw Skyline in my pocket. Or the full sized multi tool in my backpack. Or the other full sized multi tool in my drawer.

I decided DADT was the rule.
And yet the pen holder on every desk has a pair of scissors, and not the rounded tip 'safety' aka preschool scissors. And the office supply cabinet is full of box cutters.
Not in my office, we have one pair of scissors in the whole office, and no box cutters. They're the weapon of choice of the 9/11 terrorists you know.
Ah that was my office, anyway. And my office was inside a Federal Reserve Bank. ;)
Those tend to be a little bit security conscious.

Here is MO I've been to a number of places that have 'no weapons' policies and prominent signs, etc. And it seems like half the people in there have knives clipped to their pockets or on their belts (myself included). Cause it's not a weapon, it's a basic simple tool.
Maybe we're just jaded, but your villainy is not particularly impressive. -Ennesby

If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything. -Unknown
Sanity is the process by which you continually adjust your beliefs so they are predictively sound. -esr
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