Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

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Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by Netpackrat »

I can has sticky, pleez?

I bought this from a cow-orker a few months ago, but I haven't used it for anything yet:

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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by Termite »

I've got a couple of those. They are......interesting.

Reading a bit on the history of the kukris, apparently the Nepalese think of them more as tools, instead of a weapon. And they make them from truck springs.
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by blackeagle603 »

Got a bunch of quiet little Nepali refugee/immigrant men who sit in the back row at church. Their English is non-existent to poor but I sometimes wonder if they are subscribers to General Mattis' dictum (polite, professional, but...)
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by PawPaw »

My go-to knife for several decades has been the Case Sodbuster.


Simple, plain design, it's stood the test of time and continues to give yeoman service. There's one in my pocket right now. The smooth contour of the handle doesn't poke holes in my pants, and the steel in the blade is easy to sharpen and holds and edge for a long time.

There's a lot to like in a simple Case Sodbuster.
Dennis Dezendorf
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by Denis »

Netpackrat wrote:I can has sticky, pleez?
Yes, you can has sticky :D
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by rightisright »

Kershaw Blur is my EDC. I have a few of them because I constantly misplace them. Maybe I should build a knife holder to put next to my key holder...

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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by Cybrludite »

Recently picked up one of these to replace the cheap Chinese machete I had been keeping in my truck. It'll most definitely do the trick.
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by FelixEstrella »

Stabby sticky slicey thing .....
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by skb12172 »

PawPaw wrote:My go-to knife for several decades has been the Case Sodbuster.


Simple, plain design, it's stood the test of time and continues to give yeoman service. There's one in my pocket right now. The smooth contour of the handle doesn't poke holes in my pants, and the steel in the blade is easy to sharpen and holds and edge for a long time.

There's a lot to like in a simple Case Sodbuster.
I bought one a few years ago, based on your recommendation. Yellow handle, of course. No complaints.
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Re: Ye Olde Blade Picture Thread.

Post by HTRN »

Termite wrote:And they make them from truck springs.
Domestic lt springs are 5160 generally, and make greak camp knives and big bowies, cheap tough and holds a good, not great edge.
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