types of hunting and fishing knives?

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Re: types of hunting and fishing knives?

Post by Denis »

CombatController wrote:308Mike gifted me with an Anza version of the same...
Lucky you! I just had a look at the Anza website. Lovely... the one I sent you is not a patch on those.

I would have sent you an Irish knife, but we somehow don't seem to make any or have much of a tradition of it. I wonder if it has something to do with the colonists' banning the native Irish from owning swords? Decent sharp knives were always a rarity at home. My father and my uncle had one really sharp knife each, and no-one else was allowed to touch those ones. The only household I knew (including ours) that had decent kitchen knives was my friend's, and that's probably because his father was a surgeon...

I remember how my older brothers rejoiced when they went to a Scouting summer camp in Sweden and were finally able to get a bunch of good Mora knives for themselves and their troop. They brought me back a traditional Swedish carved wooden horse, and not a knife; which probably explains my inclination to buy nordic knives now - I was deprived as a child! :-)
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Re: types of hunting and fishing knives?

Post by Windy Wilson »

I have a Green River skinner with a curved blade about 5 inches long, and a Grohman's Canadian Belt Knife, a bit smaller. The Skinner is really good, holds an edge well, and the belt knife is of a size and shape that is really handy for kitchen duty. I'll put up photos this evening. The Green River knife I've even used for carving the thanksgiving turkey a few times.
Last edited by Windy Wilson on Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: types of hunting and fishing knives?

Post by Netpackrat »

My favorite general purpose knife is the Green River Camp Knife.
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Re: types of hunting and fishing knives?

Post by Whirlibird »

Oh, my other addiction...

Good thing I have guns to slow my knife buying.....

Spyderco Catcherman, folding fillet knife. Out of production.
Rapala 4.5" fillet knife. $15 from Wallyworld. Most excellent.

Rapala 4.5" fillet knife.
Spyderco Catcherman, again.
Benchmade Nimvramus 140 (old model)
Jim Largent Customs.
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Re: types of hunting and fishing knives?

Post by 308Mike »

CombatController wrote:Denis was kind enough to gift me with a Puukko knife when he visited Finland last. He must have been thinking of my maternal grandmother. 308Mike gifted me with an Anza version of the same about four years ago. I love both knives and carry one or the other when out in the woods. There is a beautiful simplicity to them.
I have the advantage of being near the factory and able to make personal visits to see what next items they're working on as well as checking out their seconds/blems at greatly reduced prices.

The owner is a VERY personable guy who will be more than happy to talk to people about his trade, but as far as getting back to people about new products/ideas, he seems to be a little less concerned about them (CC cryo-treated a couple of his knives and AFAIK, never followed up on the results if the treatment with CC - he was going to send one of the knives to Col. Rex Applegate or Col. Boddington to see how well it worked in hunting/skinning/gutting and animal).

Of course, that could also be due to the good Col. not getting back to him regarding the performance of the knife(s) too.

Regarding the quality of their knives, I LOVE them. I have quite a few, with several in my RV, a couple on my travel bag, and some just laying around the house near my longer Cold Steel fixed-blade knives. They come in QUITE handy for chores not needing a much larger blade, they keep a good edge and are sharper than hell (and I keep them that way)!!!

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Re: types of hunting and fishing knives?

Post by Nentoling »

I agree with the guys. I have changed knives quite a few times, and so far Mora is the best for me. The main problem remains Knife Sharpener. I view through many options. Now I choose between the Pocket and the Electric Knife Sharpener. Who prefers what sharpening?
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