Knife Sharpeners

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Knife Sharpeners

Post by SeekHer »

Knife Sharpeners

Clamp Ons:
The Razor’s Edge – What you judge a blade to be like after sharpening – simply the best…

Warthog Knife System – Superb system that works…my wife prefers this one for kitchen blades...
CRKT Slide Sharp – Got it for Father’s Day and love its simplicity and gives a great edge…
TriAxe Knife Sharpeners – Superb system that works…my girls prefer this one for their hunting & fishing blades...

I like all three, prefer the CRKT for packing, Warthog for all blades but especially kitchen and the TriAxe for fishing fillet knives and thin hunting blades…

Boker has a system called the Vulkanus that works on the same principle but I've never tried one myself, only read good reviews about them and seen the video...
Furi Ozitech.
Croc Sticks:
A.G. Russell – Croc Sticks work very well and the compact model is great for the hunting camp…work very well on larger blades...
Spyderco Site does not list the Upright Ceramic Sharpeners see AG Russell's site for info...

Lansky – very easy to use and produces a very fine edge…numerous cheaper copies out there...
Edge Pro - Reviewed below
KME Sharpeners

Manuals & Electric - Primary Kitchen:
Edgecraft – manual systems work good, electric are excellent for kitchen blades…
Firestone Sharpeners – Some of the best manual hold style I’ve ever used…

Touch Ups:
Accusharp – Quick touch ups but rough edge…
Rada Quick Edge - reviewed below by Screaming Eagle...
Smith Abrasives – Another quick touch up and good handhelds…
Sterling Sharpeners - Key chain version that works well in survival kits, handy, cheap, small, light, strong--Great unit...

DMT – Diamond Abrasives
Hall’s Arkansas Oilstones
Norton- Tristone System
Smith's Abrasives - Tristone
Congress Tools
Hall's Arkansas Oilstones
EZE-Lap Diamond Stones

Steve’s sharpening made easy
Sharpening FAQ
Tom Veff Sharpening Service

Most of the knife companies have a one or two stone sharpening kit with oil that are reasonably priced and work quite well...

The best bench stones are usually found in woodworking stores like Woodcraft and Garrett Wade or the Canadian Lee Valley Toolsand others as well in DMT Diamond or Arkansas or the recent Japanese Water stones which are unbelievable for finishing edges...

They all take a lot of time to master the technique of the proper angle, pressure and take a lot more time to finish a blade but once the learning curve is mastered, then the edges you'll get are supremely sharp!

There are various grits available...some have one grit on one side and a finer grit on the other...

There is a tri-stone system, whether in Diamond or Arkansas or a combination of both, one is made by Norton--most expensive set--, or by Smith's Abrasives (which I prefer) and Knife Art has a version as well...that comes in a plastic or wood container with a three sided holder for bench stones in three different grits (usually medium, hard & extra hard for final finishing) along with a bottle of oil comes in the kit...just pick up the holding device, rotate it to the grit you want and replace in the brackets...any excess oil just drips into the bottom tray...There are different versions and they'll come in two or three different sizes of stone lengths (maybe like 6", 8” or 10") and the smallest one is easily packed for a hunting trip...

If you’re going to buy bench stones this is, in my opinion, the best set up out there for convenience, cost, flexibility and portability…If you can find them buy them...Buck Knives has a version but is a little more expensive then the Smith's

Knife Supply
Knife Site
Japanese Knife Sharpening Stones
Sharpening Supplies
Stick's and Stones
The Perfect Edge

Razor Sharp Edgemaking

One thing that I forgot…get a leather finishing strop to really put a final finish to the thing going for really smoothing out and polishing the blade…either a bench model or the type that attached to a barber's chair, which I much prefer...Available from any of the better shaving and woodcrafters sites.

Reference link for Shaving and Supplies

Submitted by SeekHer

Last edited by SeekHer on Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by rightisright »

I have an Edgecraft Chef's Choice Model 120 electric sharpener. It keeps my kitchen blades shaving-sharp. I also works well on "normal" field knife profiles. Not so well on Tanto or other similar shapes.

Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by chrisb »

I have the Lansky and am still getting used to it. I was able to put a very sharp edge on one of my knives with it the other night. I am a free hand sharpening idiot, so it works well for me. Here is a video from their site that shows how to use it.
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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by Greg »

Not sure how volatile their internal url's are, but Spyderco definitely lists their several shapening products on their website. This is the current url for all sharpeners in their catalog, and this is for the Sharpmaker.
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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by HTRN »

No mention of belt and wheel sharpeners?

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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by Darrell »

We have a DMT Duosharp at work, that thing rocks. I've only seen the Edge Pro on video, it looks interesting. I've thought of trying to build a copy.
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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by HTRN »

Chris, I wouldn't have bothered with any of them for a wheel sharpener - I would have bought a cardboard wheel kit, and elcheapo(either Sears or ugh, Horror Freight) buffer. Much cheaper. A kit from Jantz is $25.

Right now I'm debating to go with either a wheel or go to a 2" cork belt sharpener - and whether or not to use my existing 2" belt grinder, or build another one..


HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat

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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by HTRN »

You might want to take a look at an Belt Lift then.

Slack belt machines are easy enough to build, but by the time your done, it's within a coupla hundred bucks of a commercial machine.

HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat

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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by 308Mike »

I really like my Spyderco ceramic triangle sharpeners. I keep my knives razor sharp (whenever I can). Since my wife got used to having sharp knives around (she grew up with dull knives), she's gotten spoiled and so when we go out to eat, we *almost* take a couple of our own knives with us - just because we hate having to deal with restaurant "sharp" knives.

A sharp knife is a safe knife.

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Re: Knife Sharpeners

Post by HTRN »

HTRN wrote:You might want to take a look at an Belt Lift then.

Slack belt machines are easy enough to build, but by the time you're done, it's within a coupla hundred bucks of a commercial machine.

HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat

Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt
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