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Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:26 pm
308Mike wrote:I've got her to enjoy some batter-encrusted Talapia,
She doesn't like fish, but you got her to eat Tilapia.
To be fair, It's been said that Tilapia is fish for people who don't like fish.
But ugh - do you know what they eat?! They're grown alongside Seabass, and eat their waste.

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:41 pm
by Rumpshot
blackeagle603 wrote:haven't been online much -- busy theater weekend. Does Saturday the 20th work for all ya'll?

What's the count thus far? 3 couples plus my crew? Rumpshot, Mike, Tom? Others in your groups? That's not a stress for us.

We'll plan on putting on chicken and brats. BYOM if you'd like to add to that melange.
As for side dishes, got a favorite you'd like to throw in the mix? Sound off and we'll fill in the gaps around that.
My calendar shows Saturday to be the 21st. That works for us. Charred flesh of most kinds of critters is good. We will be 2 warm bodies....

Hopefully more will chime in to attend.

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:58 am
by 308Mike
HTRN wrote:
308Mike wrote:I've got her to enjoy some batter-encrusted Talapia,
She doesn't like fish, but you got her to eat Tilapia.
To be fair, It's been said that Tilapia is fish for people who don't like fish.
But ugh - do you know what they eat?! They're grown alongside Seabass, and eat their waste.
It's not like we don't have people willing to pay top dollar to drink coffee who's beans have been passed through the digestive system of a specific breed of cat and commands enough money that I could retire on. Also, we already know that lobsters and crabs are scavengers, and things like mussels, scallops, clams, and oysters, are filter feeders and eat anything and everything which comes by and their little feeder tentacles can catch and digest. This includes just about everything and anything in the water which has broken down to particulate matter - that which has sunk to the floor is scavenged by other critters like lobsters, crabs, sea urchins, some sharks, etc., etc.

Have you ever had Chilean Sea Bass? It's VERY good, VERY tasty, and if you're not careful, you might eat more than you should if your system isn't used to so much Omega-3 fatty acids and oils. I found out the hard way what happens if you do. Let's just say you can ruin some clothes when you don't want to and even if you're not expecting to (THANK GOD I was home!).

I still eat Chilean Sea Bass, but in small quantities (unlike the few pounds I thoroughly enjoyed but paid for later). If I ever wanted to eat that much oil-filled seafood, I will build up to it - unlike going from eating steaks and meat for several weeks and then deciding I want a huge chunk of great-tasting fish! I suppose there's a DAMN GOOD REASON they put it on kabobs when getting people to try it!! :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock:

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:53 pm
by workinwifdakids
308Mike wrote:Actually, I think this is a GREAT time for Workin' to join us for some GREAT food, good drink, and GREAT company!!

And with Workin' there, I think we might be able to get even more members and/or lurkers to join us for dinner.
Well, hello, gentlemen! /jukebox grinds to a halt and the patronage falls silent/


You're a hell of a guy, Mike. Friends like you don't come along often. I've had my head in the sand, but I finally had my first full good day yesterday since this whole awful mess started.

Yes, I'd like to know more about this event, and let's see if I can come along and bring a few lurkers with.

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:35 am
308Mike wrote:Have you ever had Chilean Sea Bass?
Chilean Sea Bass? No. Atlantic Sea Bass(along with virtually every other kind of eatin' fish in the North Atlantic's coastal waters)? Yes. Hell, we now get Yellowfin running not so far offshore.

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:06 am
by 308Mike
HTRN wrote:
308Mike wrote:Have you ever had Chilean Sea Bass?
Chilean Sea Bass? No. Atlantic Sea Bass(along with virtually every other kind of eatin' fish in the North Atlantic's coastal waters)? Yes. Hell, we now get Yellowfin running not so far offshore.
Chilean Sea Bass is VERY tasty, VERY good, and the high oil content can sneak up on you if you're not careful. Just beware what I'd written above and you should be fine. Nowadays, if I was to eat another 2 LBS steak of the stuff, I'd work up to it to get my system used to the oil before I just went and chowed-down on it after a month or eating lean red meat and/or chicken.

Now if you wanted to booby-trap someone or pay them back for some kind of insult without hurting much more than their pride/ego and perhaps some clothes and (if you're unlucky) a chair, then feeding someone not used to high levels of Omega-3 fat and oils will certainly do the job (and taste GREAT at the same time!).

The initial wet fart is the first clue, except it might actually be larger (and oilier) than anticipated. I've been told it's similar to having accidentally ingested (by spray or drops) a very small amount of aircraft hydraulic fluid (I've been told just a couple of drops can violently clean someone out when they're least expecting it), but not NEARLY as potent, which is why you can work up to the level of fish you'd like to eat. Of course, the natives are used to eating such high amounts of this fish, so they suffer no ill effect at all.

If I could afford it and my wife liked it, I'd be eating it all the time. VERY tasty fish, takes many different marinades very well, and to limit its consumption (if you're not used to it), most people familiar with it cook it in chunks on kabobs (which is what I recommend unless you already eat a lot of high oil fish).

Fixing it on kabobs is pretty safe and almost fool-proof so they don't get too much (unless you have someone who you want to get some pay-back on) at one time.

It's GOOD STUFF, just you need to get used to it before having large quantities.

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:46 am
Uhm, I don't buy fish for the most part. When I get fresh fish, it's pulled out of the ocean. :mrgreen:

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:07 am
by 308Mike
HTRN wrote:Uhm, I don't buy fish for the most part. When I get fresh fish, it's pulled out of the ocean. :mrgreen:
Chilean Sea Bass is also pulled out of the ocean, it all depends on just how fresh you can get it. I haven't looked, but I also haven't heard of it being farmed locally commercially, but that still doesn't decrease the oil content by a significant amount (unless someone else has engineered a fish of the same strain to not make as much oil - which I would think would be against what the AHA is trying to do by raising fish and fish-oil consumption), unless specifically engineered to do so (people complaining of oily farts :lol: :lol: :lol: :o :shock: :o :( ).

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:36 am
308Mike wrote:
HTRN wrote:Uhm, I don't buy fish for the most part. When I get fresh fish, it's pulled out of the ocean. :mrgreen:
Chilean Sea Bass is also pulled out of the ocean,
Yes, but I'm not the one doing it(or friends or family) in the case of Chilean Sea bass. :mrgreen:

Re: San Diego Environs

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:05 am
by 308Mike
HTRN wrote:
308Mike wrote:
HTRN wrote:Uhm, I don't buy fish for the most part. When I get fresh fish, it's pulled out of the ocean. :mrgreen:
Chilean Sea Bass is also pulled out of the ocean,
Yes, but I'm not the one doing it(or friends or family) in the case of Chilean Sea bass. :mrgreen:
Oh, come on, you've never been on a two-day boat? Cruising WAYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy offshore looking for those tasty morsels who are just itchin' to fight you for their flesh??

I still remember the old Jerry Lewis / Dean Martin (I *think* Dean was in the movie, but haven't looked very hard for it - actually none at all) movie in which one of them lands a swordfish and is in the operating room of a hospital relating the story before they do the surgery to remove the embedded fish from his stomach/chest.

Don't YOU want to enjoy such an adventure with all your friends/companions while everyone else looks on - while you have a swordfish sticking out of your chest?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


The movie I was referring to is Hook, Line & Sinker, and it does NOT have Dean Martin in it.

Peter Ingersoll is about to undergo an operation at a hospital in Chile. Before beginning, the medical staff insists that he explain how his unusual condition came about.

He recalls his past life in California as an insurance salesman. His best friend, Dr. Scott Carter, breaks the news that Peter only has a short time left to live. His wife, although distraught, tells Peter to take the fishing excursion he has always dreamed of, advising him to charge it to credit cards. He runs up a bill of $100,000.

While traveling abroad, Peter is contacted by Dr. Carter and told that he was misdiagnosed and isn't dying. Now burdened with a large debt, Peter is urged by Dr. Carter to fake his death to avoid paying the bills and so his wife can collect a $150,000 life insurance policy. After seven years, when the statute of limitations is up, he can reappear.

Peter discovers that the whole thing was a scheme concocted by his wife and doctor, who are having an affair. He proceeds to wreck their plans.

However, while fishing in Chile, he ends up in that unusual predicament on that operating table ... with a swordfish piercing his chest.