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Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:07 am
by Aesop
And in regard to the latest Putin vs. Obama go-arounds, this wisdom from the Book of Face:

"The last time a Russian beat a black man this bad, Apollo Creed died!"


h/t to CommanderZero

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:51 am
by Cybrludite
Jerry Pournelle's take on the issue. Seems what I was thinking of as a fig leaf might actually be the brass ring...

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:06 am
by Erik
Aglifter wrote:Russia won't go near the Baltic. Lithuania, engaged in irregular warfare, alone, would cause no end of hell - and there are far too many there, who deeply, intensely , and for cause, hate Russia.
The Baltic states has an active IPSC scene. I'm told by people that has lived there and competed, that their rifle competitions are bigger than the handgun competitions, and people show up with any kind of rifle. Seeing oldtimers with a WW1 era rifle is not uncommon. Not that it necessarily translate to warfare skills, but it suggests that there are a lot of people there that have guns and know how to use them, and also get regular practice with them.

I have no real knowledge of russian military, but back when I did my service, the word was (from people that should have known) that the bulk of it was pretty poor quality. They had some impressive special forces and a few regular units they had for show, but most of it was poorly trained and poorly motivated conscripts, and the Soviet general attack plan was basically using overwhelming numbers. Not sure if that will do much good against irregular warfare, except provide a target rich environment.

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:53 am
by Rusty Ray
Us Euros are fucked. Russia lets us have gas to keep us from freezing in the winter. Now that the trend is to turn off every bloody nuclear power station in case there is a tsunami and earthquake somewhere in the EU, that gas is needed even more. Not a very smart position to put us in. Thanks EU.

Britain 'may' back the US in any action that it would take. But having a POTUS that actively dislikes us as a people puts a big dampner on that. That Special Relationship? Well that's gone, dead. That knob in the Whitehouse has put paid to years of close cooperation and mutual respect. The double acts of Maggie/Gipper and Bliar/Clintoon seem a long, long time ago now. Does anybody out there see an BHO/Cameron love-in? No, though not.

Military wise, the latest thinking by the Brit.Gov. (get rid of everything- main battle tanks, harriers, pilots, whole battalions of seasoned troops, aircraft carriers etc etc) leaves our new 'lean, rapid and mission focused' forces next to fucking useless against anything other than religiously zealous hillmen. So any backing you might like from us, would be of questionable value anyway.

The boxheads are legally bound to their own soil for most things military AFAIK. Shame, they are a cat to Russia's dog.

So that leaves, wait for it....Your new best mates, the French. So no, I don't see the US geting much by way of anything other than transit bases from the Old World.

Cheers- Rusty

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:09 pm
by blackeagle603
Yeah, here's hoping an outcome of this includes a Germany that dumps it no-nuke power policy and goes whole hog with a Nuke plant construction program. In nearer term, let's hope for a US natural gas industry that turns into the net exporter that everyone keeps talking about as a possibility. Get those liquification plants running and you who'd like to profit watch for stock opportunities in midstream MLP's and LNG transport (e.g. GLNG).

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:23 pm
by Aglifter
+1 - it's time for Houston to start running a "maritime" pipeline of LNG tankers...

An energy based Cold War could be a heck of a thing for TX...

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:27 pm
by Langenator
Aglifter wrote:+1 - it's time for Houston to start running a "maritime" pipeline of LNG tankers...

An energy based Cold War could be a heck of a thing for TX...
And LA..and ND and Canada (provided the build the Keystone XL)

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:36 pm
by blackeagle603
a little bit of vision and leadership in DC would be nice. Of course that would require having adults in charge.

So would this idea about neutralizing Putin by leaning on the oligarchs in Russia.

emphasis added:
If the West punishes Russia with sanctions and a trade war, that might be effective eventually, but it would also be cruel to the 140 million Russians who live under Mr. Putin's rule. And it would be unnecessary.

Instead, sanction the 140 oligarchs who would dump Mr. Putin in the trash tomorrow if he cannot protect their assets abroad. Target their visas, their mansions and IPOs in London, their yachts and Swiss bank accounts. Use banks, not tanks.

Thursday, the U.S. announced such sanctions, but they must be matched by the European Union to be truly effective. Otherwise, Wall Street's loss is London's gain, and Mr. Putin's divide-and-conquer tactics work again.

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:38 am
by Termite
Aglifter wrote:+1 - it's time for Houston to start running a "maritime" pipeline of LNG tankers...
An energy based Cold War could be a heck of a thing for TX...
Ideally we don't want LNG plants & loading ports located anywhere near populous areas.

Sabine Pass, TX, Cameron/Johnson Bayou/Hackberry, LA are much better locations.

Re: The Russian Military Of 2014

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:17 am
by Windy Wilson
Termite wrote:Ideally we don't want LNG plants & loading ports located anywhere near populous areas.
I remember that discussion in the '80's about a LNG port in the central coast area away from even Pismo Beach.