Designing a Ship

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Designing a Ship

Post by mekender »

Near as I can tell, this almost perfectly describes how enterprise level IT projects are conducted as well.
“I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” - Norman Thomas, a six time candidate for president for the Socialist Party, 1944
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Re: Designing a Ship

Post by MarkD »

mekender wrote:

Near as I can tell, this almost perfectly describes how enterprise level IT projects are conducted as well.
A former co-worker had a Dilbert cartoon up in his cube where the Pointy Haired Boss was telling Dilbert and company "You start coding, I'll go get the specs." If I had a dime for every time that was the reality of IT I could retire.

The Six Phases of a Project
1) Enthusiasm
2) Disillusionment
3) Panic
4) Search for the Guilty
5) Punishment of the Innocent
6) Praise and Honors for the Non-Participants

I am not allowed to run the train, the whistle I can't blow
I'm not allowed to say how far the railroad cars can go
I'm not allowed to shoot off steam, or even clang the bell
But let it jump the God damned track and see who catches Hell.
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Re: Designing a Ship

Post by toad »

When executives from out of down headquarters come in to look things over, It is a flock off seagulls.
"They fly, in scream at you, steal and eat your food, shit on everything, scream some more, then fly out."

"Doing a good job around here is like pissing in a dark suit. It gives you a warm feeling and nobody notices."
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