Shia LeBouf epically trolled

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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by blackeagle603 »

BE - which lines do you see being crossed?
I think you did a good job pulling out the hot buttons/close to the line stuff. It's a short trip from some of those statements to White Nationalist prejudice and violence and with it increased tribalism and diminished e Pluribus Unum.

Though, I can certainly imagine what some of that is a reaction to. I for one get a little tired of the constant brow beating just for being a white male. However, can also see a bunch of Odin worshippers with prison tats running amok and over the edge into all sorts of foul behavior from there.
I think the entire problem with all these alt-right/libertarian/conservative/neocon/paleocon discussions is that people use labels they want to apply to them even when they don't mean the same thing to the other people using them.
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by Old Grafton »

I always remember the Groucho Marx quote: " I refuse to be a member of any organization which would have me." :lol:
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by dfwmtx »

Shia's at it again, this time in England. Don't worry; the weaponized autists are closing in.
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by dfwmtx »

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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by dfwmtx »

And it's down! /pol-4; Shia-0. HWNDU BTFO Weaponized autism wins again!
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by Vonz90 »

blackeagle603 wrote:
It is because they are. (at least to a large degree, obviously they are not uniform - but one can look at the trends and averages)
Ok, says you. Slowpoke differs and supports with that manifesto on VoxDay.

Have you got links or references to argue that assertion of yours? That's an honest inquiry on my part. I'm trying to get my head around what is the alt-right. The one thing I've become certain of is that it's not as simple as what the Prog Mediacrats portray it to to be.
Like Libertarianism, the Alt-Right seems to be a bit of a mixed bag with various adherrents making their own claims of it's values and beliefs.

I appreciate the attempt on VoxDay to define "altright." There's some stuff in there that runs very close to crossing lines I find unacceptable -- though I understand what's given rise to those white nationalist sounding positions. However, does VoxDay have some special standing to claim that is definitive for the whole altright movement (whatever that is)?
It is a difficult thing to pin down at its broadest extent because there are plenty of people who dip their toes in it and see it as just a "tougher than mainstream" conservatism or are just jumping a bandwagon without realizing where the bandwagon is coming from (kind of like those who go around calling conservatives they don't like "neoconservatives" without realizing that the left chose that term as a veiled anti-Semitic pejorative).

However, if you look at the intellectual fathers of that movement, yeah it is a hot mess of progressive identity politics that just trades out "white" for the left's various favored groups. I think this article traces out a lot of their ideas fairly well. ... -moral-rot
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by dfwmtx »

The NRO article leaves out love of anime, Pepe/Kek, and the God-Emperor Trump. I don't think the author lurked on /pol/ enough. Or this is old, because the alt-right seems to have dropped Milo since his overblown pedo-scandal (revenge for an alt-right obsession with Podesta and the Pizzagate pedos, methinks).
Also I think the NRO article makes too much of the racial aspect of the "cuck" insult. It's equivalent to "RINO", but with the implication of "you've let other people ruin the country, and you were too weak to stop it, or you actually wanted it". If anything, the NRO article you posted focuses more on the ethno-nationalist aspects of the alt-right, and ignores the civic nationalism. Alt-right is still trying to find itself, which does lead to some "big tent" aspects, and makes it easier to rally around a platform based off a few common bullet points like Trump has.
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by randy »

dfwmtx wrote: Or this is old,
April 5, 2016
...even before I read MHI, my response to seeing a poster for the stars of the latest Twilight movies was "I see 2 targets and a collaborator".
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by slowpoke »

It is hard to take NRO seriously on an issue that is existential to them. If the alt right succeeds they as an institution will be destroyed. All that hard to believe whan your paycheck requires youno beliefe the other way.

I also would be more inclined to listen to them if they hadn't thrown John Derbyshire under the bus. Quite progressive of them on that.
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Re: Shia LeBouf epically trolled

Post by Jericho941 »

Vox Day is, at best, a professional troll in the same vein as Milo Yingyangbadingdang.

At worst he's a Nazi with his dick in an emaciated corpse staring wide-eyed down the barrel of an M1 with his hands up yelling "Ich bin kein Nazi."

Either way, he's a scumbag, he doesn't speak for anyone worth considering, and taking his point of view on anything political is folly.
dfwmtx wrote:The NRO article leaves out love of anime, Pepe/Kek, and the God-Emperor Trump. I don't think the author lurked on /pol/ enough. Or this is old, because the alt-right seems to have dropped Milo since his overblown pedo-scandal (revenge for an alt-right obsession with Podesta and the Pizzagate pedos, methinks).
They may have dropped Milo, but they failed to wipe him off. Basic hygiene, that.
Also I think the NRO article makes too much of the racial aspect of the "cuck" insult. It's equivalent to "RINO", but with the implication of "you've let other people ruin the country, and you were too weak to stop it, or you actually wanted it".
Hardly. We've been over this before.
If anything, the NRO article you posted focuses more on the ethno-nationalist aspects of the alt-right, and ignores the civic nationalism. Alt-right is still trying to find itself, which does lead to some "big tent" aspects, and makes it easier to rally around a platform based off a few common bullet points like Trump has.
The alt-right found itself awhile a long time ago.

The "alt-right" briefly encompassed anyone right of center who didn't fall in line with mainstream Republicans, e.g. libertarians, anarchists of various stripes, etc. Now it means people fapping to pictures of naked blonde women in glorivs Evropan vheat fields and spamming "deus vult" every time a Muslim terrorist attack happens. If they got any traction, they'd fall apart immediately as the fedora-bedecked MRA atheists turned on the Catholics who turned on the Lutherans who turned on the Baptists, and so on.

The alt-right is a boil on the ass of a hemorrhoid.
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