Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

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Re: Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

Post by PawPaw »

Termite wrote:
PawPaw wrote:
Windy Wilson wrote:I wonder if Dorner bought any weapon used in his murder rampage through one of those loophole laws?
That asshole (I will not use his name) stole his mother's guns then shot her in the face. That doesn't sound like a loophole to me.
Dorner was the ex-LEO shooting other LEOs in Kali, not the kid in NJ that shot up the school.
Yeah, you're right. I screwed the Pooch on that one.
Dennis Dezendorf
PawPaw's House
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Windy Wilson
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Re: Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

Post by Windy Wilson »

PawPaw wrote:
Termite wrote:
PawPaw wrote: That asshole (I will not use his name) stole his mother's guns then shot her in the face. That doesn't sound like a loophole to me.
Dorner was the ex-LEO shooting other LEOs in Kali, not the kid in NJ that shot up the school.
Yeah, you're right. I screwed the Pooch on that one.
Aw, don't worry about it, I would have been clearer had I used quotes around "Loophole".
The use of the word "but" usually indicates that everything preceding it in a sentence is a lie.
"I believe in Freedom of Speech, but". . .
"I support the Second Amendment, but". . .
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Windy Wilson
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Re: Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

Post by Windy Wilson »

From that list I have a lot of thank you letters to write.

And a thought. These laws came up so fast, in the midst of hypocritical pleas to not politicize the deaths. The Communist thugs (No more gentle epithet fits) were hoping that Sandy Hook Elementary would be their Dunblane, and everyone was well-trained enough to turn everything in, even if it didn't currently fall under their new ban, just because it was "for the children"

--If you define "children" as those people in govenment who control or want to control everything.

Sandy Hook is the equivalent of some Government official wanting to pass laws to take my car because some drunk on Interstate 90 plowed into a bus full of school children, launching it over a cliff and there was another auto accident with fatalities earlier in Colorado.
The use of the word "but" usually indicates that everything preceding it in a sentence is a lie.
"I believe in Freedom of Speech, but". . .
"I support the Second Amendment, but". . .
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Re: Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

Post by Langenator »

Termite wrote:
PawPaw wrote:
Windy Wilson wrote:I wonder if Dorner bought any weapon used in his murder rampage through one of those loophole laws?
That asshole (I will not use his name) stole his mother's guns then shot her in the face. That doesn't sound like a loophole to me.
Dorner was the ex-LEO shooting other LEOs in Kali, not the kid in NJ that shot up the school.
IIRC, he claimed to have obtained at least one full auto using a false address in NV for the NFA paperwork.
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Re: Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

Post by toad »

In Colorado the Californicators are problably going to cause Mapul to leave the state. They display no remorse what so ever at losing the jobs and tax revenue as long as they make their base of Californicator voters happy. Frankly unless they have all died off, I'd be somewhat afraid of those rural area Colorado pro gun types if I were they.
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Re: Companies boycotting anti-gun NY

Post by free_me »

308Mike wrote:I'd much prefer to see these companies refuse to do business with GOVERNMENTAL entities in those states which enact such laws, rather than punish all those gun owners. OTOH, what better way to chastise those folks who put those idiot politicians in office in the first place!

So, I have mixed feelings on them no longer doing business with residents of those numbnut states.
My thoughts exactly.
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