Really, F'Pete's Sake, Read This

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Re: Really, F'Pete's Sake, Read This

Post by Vonz90 »


Congress has done well in some respects and for crap in others. It it by definition harder to push several hundred people than it is for one person to keep an agenda going (and Trump has been very mixed just with himself).

Congress is doing a very good job of repealing various Obama policies and regulations.

On reducing taxes and repealing Obamacare, not so good, but that is also a much more complex task list. So it does not surprise me that it is taking longer. I withhold grading them until the process is finished. It took the Dem's like a year and a half to get Obamcare passed and they were more united on it than the GOP is. There is no reason to expect the GOP to replace it in less than that.

I do think tax cuts need to get passed quickly. Hopefully not with an adjusted boarder tax (which the Dems are ALL IN FAVOR of - this is a hint that it is a very bad idea.)

McCain has been a nitwit since he first got into politics. This is not a surprise.
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