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Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:11 pm
by Combat Controller
And please once you donate post here the amount so once we hit the target we can stop soliciting donations.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 10:05 pm
by Aglifter
Looking into this - ideally, TGC would have its own "Paypalish" account, which could be posted on the website, somewhere - essentially, making the financials public, as all non-profit financials are supposed to be - or, at least, public to the membership. - Could be a use for this in general, really.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 11:51 pm
by Rod
I have to wait until mid next week but I'll throw 20 bucks or so in the pot then. Can't let this place fade away or I'd have nowhere to go.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:43 am
by Aglifter
CByrneIV wrote:
Aglifter wrote:Looking into this - ideally, TGC would have its own "Paypalish" account, which could be posted on the website, somewhere - essentially, making the financials public, as all non-profit financials are supposed to be - or, at least, public to the membership. - Could be a use for this in general, really.

If someone wants to pay for the initiation and ongoing paperwork etc... On either a trust or a 501 class.... I'm fine with that. But that's a lot more overhead and BS.

By a lot more I mean a couple thousand a year minimum, as we would need to have outside counsel, an auditor, and a general liability cert. I haven't run the numbers recently, but I did when we first set things up. I'll check it out again and update this weekend or next week.

This was one of the issues that caused the first set of forums to go poof, which was why I funded the site entirely out of my pocket until the cancer and multiple layoffs put me under... And actually for the year after that until mid 2012.

Most of that isn't necessary for a small non-profit. We would just be a c7. (Social organization)

The liability cost may be there, but with zero employees and no marketplace place involvement shouldn't be too bad.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:46 am
by Aglifter
Something along these lines needs to knocked up for forums, regardless - just to avoid estate tax concerns, etc on the larger forums.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:25 am
by randy
Certainly sounds something worth pursuing. If nothing else at least in researching what it will actually entail so we have a firm concept based on current conditions.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:42 am
by Steamforger
I'll hit the jar on the next pay day.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:13 pm
by skb12172
I'm good for $25. In fact, I'll probably hit you with $25 a few times over the next few months, if the tip jar is going to stay open. Other than Facebook or if I'm buying something, this is about the only site I visit on the Intarwebz, anymore…

I don't do Paypal, but I could do debit/credit or snail mail you a money order. What do you suggest?

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:50 pm
by Aglifter
CByrneIV wrote:
Aglifter wrote:Something along these lines needs to knocked up for forums, regardless - just to avoid estate tax concerns, etc on the larger forums.

I agree with that... Just to avoid the kind of thing that happened with Oleg and THR/TFL.
Exactly. Even though some of the larger forums, such as SigForum, have no advertisers, I suspect a significant value will be attached to them by the IRS.

Re: It's that time again... Guncounter domain renewal donati

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:31 pm
by Combat Controller
I like this idea, AG, lets talk and make this happen. I've already paid for the hosting till the end of the year