List of non-credible sources and attributions

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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by mekender »

Should probably add Pam Geller and to the list...
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by kapikui »

Well, I do have to credit Coast to Coast with solving my severe sleep disturbances. There were times I would feel as if I were being attacked by a malevolent presence as I would sleep, generally as I went to sleep.

They were talking about similar things happening in sleep. I can't remember what supernatural explanation they came up with, but I was on my way to work a midnight shift at the time, so I spent some time doing internet research on some more reputable sources on the things they were talking about. After a few hours, I discovered that that my symptoms were often associated with not getting enough air. I tried nasal strips to open my nasal passages when I slept. The nightmares went away. Now I only have them if I don't wear a strip for a couple of nights. Sure the show was complete BS, but without it, I would likely still be having terrifying nightmares on going to sleep.
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by SoupOrMan »

Wait, so Coast to Coast AM isn't a Steve Jackson Games-inspired LARP?
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by Rod »

A post on Facebook pointed me to FreePatriot. The link mentions close to 400,000 U.N. troops training here, FEMA camps, etc.
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by PawPaw »

I love listening to Coast to Coast while I drive to the deer stand because it runs from the deeply bizarre to the truly inane. And, that's the only time I listen to it, driving to the deer stand, which is about 40 minutes from the house.
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by Termite »

PawPaw wrote:I love listening to Coast to Coast while I drive to the deer stand because it runs from the deeply bizarre to the truly inane. And, that's the only time I listen to it, driving to the deer stand, which is about 40 minutes from the house.
I sometimes listen while driving to the heliport to go offshore.

I especially get a giggle from the "crystal power crowd"....... :lol:
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by martini »

First, I must look into this Coast to Coast thing. It sounds like it could be very entertaining.

Second, I strongly disagree with listing Gun Owners of America (GOA), Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as non-news sources. I mean really, all you have to do is realize that exactly the opposite of what they say is in fact truth and your're set! It's like a magic decoder ring! :)
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Re: List of non-credible sources and attributions

Post by Rod »

Found another one for the list.
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Obama was going to be arrested for treason by NCIS and the Navy Provost. sigh
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