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Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:01 am
by tfbncc
Well, it's been boring as crap around here lately. In an effort to lighten the mood, I've been catching up on episodes of "Cops". I haven't watched for several years, as one episode pretty much looks like the rest. But boredom makes you do things you wouldn't normally do. But I started something new. I started to look at the episodes from the viewpoint of a defense attorney and the perp of moment was soon to be my client. Soon, I was sitting on the edge of my chair, yelling at my screen "just shut up, stupid!" Sadly, it hasn't worked. In the 20 or so episodes I've watched in the past 3 or 4 days, only 2 people declined to talk until their lawyer was present.

Time and time again, I had to sit and watch as officer friendly talked calmly and knowingly to whatever handcuffed dregs of society were in his custody at the time.

"OK Bobby, we know what you did. You know what you did. Why don't you just tell us what happened so we can clear this up. It'll go a lot easier on you if you tell the truth."

"Noooo, don't say a word, you idjit!"

"Well, I was real mad at my wife cuz she didn't like my girlfriend living with us, so I backhanded her a couple times, threw her poodle through the plate glass window, stole her car and took a 90 mph joyride through half a dozen school zones and a church parking lot, and then I signed her up for Sprint's Friends and Family service on her cell phone"

"Arrrrrrghhhhh" I need a drink.

This puts a whole new perspective on an old TV show and it's a lot more fun than shooting dust bunnies.

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:32 am
by Dub_James
Yup. Sad thing is, I have a friend who let cops search his car once. He couldn't provide a good reason why not.

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:59 am
by Jered
You do not have to sign the consent to search form.

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:35 am
by 308Mike
Jered wrote:You do not have to sign the consent to search form.
Just remember - the consent form is to protect THEM and NOT YOU!!!

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:40 am
by Yogimus
As someone who has taken statements from folks:


Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:53 am
by arctictom

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:20 am
by Jered
308Mike wrote:
Jered wrote:You do not have to sign the consent to search form.
Just remember - the consent form is to protect THEM and NOT YOU!!!
As far as that goes, too, if you don't sign a consent form, and are detained for an unreasonable amount of time, there's a chance that any evidence that arises as a result of a search during that detention could get tossed out of court. If one signs the consent form, one is shit out of luck in that regard.

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:01 am
by Netpackrat
Jered wrote:As far as that goes, too, if you don't sign a consent form, and are detained for an unreasonable amount of time, there's a chance that any evidence that arises as a result of a search during that detention could get tossed out of court. If one signs the consent form, one is shit out of luck in that regard.
In other words, as an attorney of my acquaintance suggested when the subject came up, try to give your lawyer something to work with.

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:38 am
by Aesop
Consent form?!?!?!?

Maybe out thataways, they bother with that.

Hereabouts, no such paperwork is required nor recommended.
They ask, ignore the refusal (or give the K-9 a Milkbone), search anyways, testiLie in court, and you're still the poodle in a pooch-screwing gangbang.

If it wasn't for alcohol and low IQs, Cops wouldn't have made it past being a pilot for a series.
There are no Dr. Hannibal Lecters and Professor Moriartys in real life.

Re: Things to do while unemployed and bored

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:07 pm
by Aglifter
Sure there are - look at DC, and much of Wall St.