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Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:49 pm
by Rich
OTOH, that is how I "won" the war of the seat that my sisters started when we were growing up. It was leave the seat up, or a sticky seat. 8-)

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 1:06 am
by Jericho941
Greg wrote:In a public restroom? I do not lift the seat, because I am not, repeat not, going to touch that seat. Not even with someone else's hands.
So do you go everywhere barefoot or

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:38 pm
by Jericho941
MarkD wrote:We have people at work who obviously don't understand how toilets, and their associated seats, work. I'm pretty sure some people squat with their feet on top of the seat, it's the only explanation for shit on the wall behind the toilet. It's depressing how often I walk into a toilet stall, mutter "How the fuck did you get shit THERE?" and walk back out.
Yeah, you don't have to be Asian for that.

I think you seriously underestimate the awful ways squeamish people will relieve themselves at others' expense because "eew public toilet (that's way cleaner than the one in my home)".
When I'm elected President the citizenship test, and the application for any temporary visas, and even entry to the country as a tourist, will require a working understanding of American plumbing fixtures and their proper usage. Failure will have your nasty ass on the next plane back to where you came from.
Clearly this needs to be applied to current citizens.
Jericho941 wrote:
Greg wrote:In a public restroom? I do not lift the seat, because I am not, repeat not, going to touch that seat. Not even with someone else's hands.
So do you go everywhere barefoot or
Ha-ha-but-not-really. Can you not lift the seat with your foot?

Because, you see, you are the problem. Everyone too squeamish to sit on something that's been sanitized hourly and hovers, or doesn't lift the seat, or can't be bothered to learn local customs, or otherwise refuses to properly utilize modern plumbing for equally stupid reasons, is the very reason public bathrooms suck.

Are you too good to wash your hands? Kick the seat up. It's bad for the hinges, but fuck it, at least you're not gonna piss on the seat, and do not pretend for an instant ]your own shoe is cleaner than that toilet. If you've been laboring under that delusion I have seriously bad news for you. I have exponentially worse news for you if you've ever eaten a roller grill item.

If you think you're too good to shit in a toilet like a hominin, I don't wanna see anyone who hovers or can't lift a seat recirculating DESIGNATED memes ever again, because clearly they're only fit to shit in the street.

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:52 pm
by Rich
Obviously some on this forum have no idea how explosive the urge to defecate can get. I've had to shit so bad at times it occured while I was bending on the way to sitting. Pretty much explosive and uncontrollable and far reaching.

At least I was civilized enough to either clean up after myself, or if that wasn't possible, let someone know it needed to be done.

I suspect what you are really griping about is the tendency of some to think it's not their job to clean up after themselves. :oops:

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:37 pm
by MarkD
Rich wrote:Obviously some on this forum have no idea how explosive the urge to defecate can get. I've had to shit so bad at times it occured while I was bending on the way to sitting. Pretty much explosive and uncontrollable and far reaching.

At least I was civilized enough to either clean up after myself, or if that wasn't possible, let someone know it needed to be done.

I suspect what you are really griping about is the tendency of some to think it's not their job to clean up after themselves. :oops:
An occasional mess? Sure, I get that. Inside the bowl, on the edge of the seat, and especially when the bathroom users have no access to proper bathroom cleaning supplies like gloves, brushes, etc. But when I walk into the bathroom multiple times a week and find shit in places that God never intended to be shat upon except in the most dire situations (see above, on the wall behind the toilet) either someone doesn't get American plumbing, or the NYC Health Department REALLY needs to take a close look at the local food emporia. Bearing in mind too that I go into the stalls generally once a day, and there are five stalls, so if multiple times a week someone has messed up the stall I happen to walk into, how often has someone done so to a stall I didn't look inside.

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:41 pm
by MarkD
Jericho941 wrote: Ha-ha-but-not-really. Can you not lift the seat with your foot?

Because, you see, you are the problem. Everyone too squeamish to sit on something that's been sanitized hourly and hovers, or doesn't lift the seat, or can't be bothered to learn local customs, or otherwise refuses to properly utilize modern plumbing for equally stupid reasons, is the very reason public bathrooms suck.

Are you too good to wash your hands? Kick the seat up. It's bad for the hinges, but fuck it, at least you're not gonna piss on the seat, and do not pretend for an instant ]your own shoe is cleaner than that toilet. If you've been laboring under that delusion I have seriously bad news for you. I have exponentially worse news for you if you've ever eaten a roller grill item.

If you think you're too good to shit in a toilet like a hominin, I don't wanna see anyone who hovers or can't lift a seat recirculating DESIGNATED memes ever again, because clearly they're only fit to shit in the street.
I had this very discussion with a guy I used to work with. He'd wash (with hand soap and water) and dry the seat before he'd place his pristine behind on it, but he'd never use a urinal, and would never lift the seat when he pissed. Simple, lift seat, no need to worry about sitting in piss. Don't lift seat, seat gets pissed upon and the unsuspecting get a wet ass.

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:55 pm
by Greg
MarkD wrote:
Jericho941 wrote: Ha-ha-but-not-really. Can you not lift the seat with your foot?

Because, you see, you are the problem. Everyone too squeamish to sit on something that's been sanitized hourly and hovers, or doesn't lift the seat, or can't be bothered to learn local customs, or otherwise refuses to properly utilize modern plumbing for equally stupid reasons, is the very reason public bathrooms suck.

Are you too good to wash your hands? Kick the seat up. It's bad for the hinges, but fuck it, at least you're not gonna piss on the seat, and do not pretend for an instant ]your own shoe is cleaner than that toilet. If you've been laboring under that delusion I have seriously bad news for you. I have exponentially worse news for you if you've ever eaten a roller grill item.

If you think you're too good to shit in a toilet like a hominin, I don't wanna see anyone who hovers or can't lift a seat recirculating DESIGNATED memes ever again, because clearly they're only fit to shit in the street.
I had this very discussion with a guy I used to work with. He'd wash (with hand soap and water) and dry the seat before he'd place his pristine behind on it, but he'd never use a urinal, and would never lift the seat when he pissed. Simple, lift seat, no need to worry about sitting in piss. Don't lift seat, seat gets pissed upon and the unsuspecting get a wet ass.
Hee hee. 'Sanitized hourly'. That's right up there with 'no baby I won't come in your mouth', and 'the check is in the mail'.

I don't know what young people do these days, but I don't have intimate contact with my shoes. Basically, you're that lovely combination of credulous and hectoring. Bite me.

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:46 pm
by Jericho941
Greg wrote:Hee hee. 'Sanitized hourly'. That's right up there with 'no baby I won't come in your mouth', and 'the check is in the mail'.
I'm sorry your place of employment has a lower standard of cleanliness than any random truck stop.
I don't know what young people do these days, but I don't have intimate contact with my shoes.
Okay, so, again, why are you too cowardly to move a seat up with your foot?
Basically, you're that lovely combination of credulous and hectoring.
Or perhaps I am someone who, in the course of his adult life, has both used and cleaned toilets in his workplace, and is simply sick of cowardly pissants shitting and pissing all over the bathroom instead of actually in the toilet.
Bite me.
It is both amusing and insulting that you think that I would have oral contact with someone who doesn't know how to operate a toilet.

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:41 am
by randy
Caution Flag here guys.

Re: When is it ok to beat a little old lady?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:56 am
by Netpackrat
I was thinking more along the lines of haven't they got something better to argue about?