Introduce Yourselves

Discussions about our lives, families, jobs... things may get a little personal
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by Reiver »

I'm Reiver (it comes from my Lowlander Scottish ancesters).
I'm a network administrator in western Colorado, US Army cold war vet (Baumholder,West Germany '84-'86), gun nut and wanna be ski bum.

I don't get to shoot as much as I would like to, but I just switched to a 4/10 work week. So I'll get some shooting in before the snow flies.
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by HTRN »

To him that came over the waters. :)

HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat

Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt

Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by carbinero »

Hi I'm Clint and I'm a gun nut ("Hi Clint.") Came up with "carbinero" due to pleasure shooting M1 Carbine and interest in Col. Cooper's Scout concept.

Cradle Christian, but conservative convert, of late awakened to gun culture, married with children. Avid reader, Brown grad, former teacher, now commercial real estate agent.

Upon inheriting a few family longarms and simultaneously discovering Kim's site, fell way down the rabbit hole. Began with bolties and wheelguns, now pretty much turned to darkside with Glock and AR-15. :o Wish S&W's M&P pistol had Glock-type mags. Learning lots at Satisfied carrying 9mm.

Love teaching my son to shoot, getting others to the range, and looking forward to FN SCAR-H or Magpul Massoud in .308.

Hats off to the providers of this new site.
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by clyde621 »

Rod: I guess it shows how much Spanish I have had.. :lol:
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by AndytheAxe »

Hey all, I'm Andrew (Andy and Drew work too, I don't care). Single, just graduated with a degree in History back in December and got my first post-college job with Social Security (Disability not Retirement) 6 months ago. Eventually I want to go back to school and be a law enforcement Park Ranger though I'd love to be a non-law enforcement one too. I live in the suburbs of Baltimore. I've always had a thing for shooting since it's been a family tradition and I've heard stories about how amazing of a shooter my grandfather and great grandfather were all my life, but living in Maryland I've only been maybe 10 times, so even though I know how to point a gun at a target and pull the trigger I've never really learned how to shoot WELL. Reading The Other Side of Kim, and the GunThing forums made me realize I should have a gun myself, so I got a lemon M48 which I traded for a RC k98 back in april with which I got an ironsight group the size I usually only get with a scope, and more recently a used S&W model 15 that's more fun than anything else I've shot :). So I'm definitely planning on finding a way to go shooting more. I don't like Glocks and other pistols with long trigger pulls, because I've mostly shot 1911s and revolvers. I'm pretty much the only conservative among my friends, so it's great to be on these forums and see that not all of America thinks the Government can manage things better than individuals. It kind of sucks that the dating field here is all liberal/democrats; I definitely hope to move to real America someday. Among my other interests are guitar, D&D, Swing dancing, History (especially WWI and the effects of the war on Western Civ as a whole), reading, Firefly, camping/hiking/being out in the woods, archery, sailing (used to compete with my college) and drinking with friends. Also in about a week I'll be taking 15 or so of my friends who've never been shooting out so hopefully that'll be awesome. If anyone in or visiting MD is up for shooting, let me know :).
Last edited by AndytheAxe on Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Of All the gin joints in All the Towns in All the World... she walks into mine" ~ Rick (Humphrey Bogart)
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by 308Mike »

Andy - due to your interest in the Park Service, I suggest you start reading the NPS Morning Report 'cause they list interesting info and frequently job announcements too. Rangers and Park Police run into all kinds of strange critters out there, this is from the Morning Report for Wednesday, August 27, 2008:
National Capital Parks-East (DC)
Officers Arrest Couple With Submachine Gun

Officers Scott Brecht and Jason Omo were on patrol of River Terrace just after 1 a.m. on August 21st to check into complaints of illegal activities there from park neighbors. They came upon two people in the park’s playground area. Evidence indicated that they were involved in illicit behavior. The pair then began walking in the direction of the officers. The officers checked them out, then discovered an Uzi submachine gun in the place they’d just left. The weapon was loaded and the selector switch was set to full auto. Both were arrested and charged with weapon offenses and other violations. [Submitted by Sergeant Robert Lachance, Public Information Officer]

A person properly schooled in right and wrong is safe with any weapon. A person with no idea of good and evil is unsafe with a knitting needle, or the cap from a ballpoint pen.

I remain pessimistic given the way BATF and the anti gun crowd have become tape worms in the guts of the Republic. - toad
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by AndytheAxe »

Thanks for the info, it's now a bookmark. I'll need to go back to school to get training and a law enforcement certification so it's at least a couple years away but I'll definitely check out the reports. I don't know what I'd do if I were in that situation, it's a good thing the guys didn't have the uzi on them, but I guess that's what the training and certification are for.
"Of All the gin joints in All the Towns in All the World... she walks into mine" ~ Rick (Humphrey Bogart)
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by 308Mike »

workinwifdakids wrote:Anyone heard from Aesop?
Okay gang, I sent Aesop an email to see what's up, inviting him to join us, and here's what he had to say:
Thanks for the thought, but I think the internet has had just about enough of me for awhile.

I may rise (stoop?) to my own blog at some point, but if I do, it won't be as Aesop, and isn't likely to be anytime soon.

I will miss you and the rest of the usual suspects, but I'm spending my time and energies elsewhere for the time being.

Best wishes for you and everyone else who joins Chris & Co. at guncounter.
He knows where to find us (I sent him links), so he may or may not join us some time in the future, but he knows we're here.

A person properly schooled in right and wrong is safe with any weapon. A person with no idea of good and evil is unsafe with a knitting needle, or the cap from a ballpoint pen.

I remain pessimistic given the way BATF and the anti gun crowd have become tape worms in the guts of the Republic. - toad
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by HTRN »

Eugene hasn't really said anything since his "Here I am" post either..

HTRN, I would tell you that you are an evil fucker, but you probably get that a lot ~ Netpackrat

Describing what HTRN does as "antics" is like describing the wreck of the Titanic as "a minor boating incident" ~ First Shirt
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Re: Introduce Yourselves

Post by randy »

Well, damn. I'm going to miss Aesop. He has a lot of good information to share, and while his style can, take a little getting used to, I find him entertaining and never boring. His heart's in the right place even if I didn't always agree with him on particulars.

Hopefully he'll check in eventually, at least once in a while.
...even before I read MHI, my response to seeing a poster for the stars of the latest Twilight movies was "I see 2 targets and a collaborator".
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