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Re: Ich bin in deutschland

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:24 pm
by Odahi
My humble prayers sent for all who are in straits from this panic. I hope it passes soon, and we can all have a hearty laugh about it in a few months.

Re: Ich bin in deutschland

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:10 pm
by Vonz90
I am slightly jealous, but on the other hand I gave up beer for lent and being ohne bier im Vaterland would suck to no end.

Re: Ich bin in deutschland

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:01 am
by Jered
The Canadian border is about to be shut down.

Re: Ich bin in deutschland

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:58 pm
by g-man
Więc dotarliśmy do Polski...

Which Google translate tells me means “So we made it to Poland...”. We’re currently in a 14 day quarantine, despite being locked down in the camp in Germany for 3 weeks before coming here, and bringing MREs on the drive with us so we could sit in the sun and eat rations for on the drive over.

Today was our first real down day in over three weeks. Managed to get a nice blister while rucking around the track during our “yard time” today, which means I’ll be hobbling around for a bit. Other than that I managed a nice long nap and called home. DFAC here has real eggs, which is a huge improvement over the powdered version. We’ve got guys dropping meals off for now, and we’re still dialing in to the myriad of remote meetings which have sprung up since everybody needs to meet virtually for hours daily. Tomorrow should be slower as well, and we’ll ramp back to ridiculous speed on Monday.