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Re: Douchebags

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:17 am
by JAG2955
I think that the issues with mall ninjas, is that they tend to be out of shape, untrained, and most importantly, pretend to be something that they're not.

And yes, I have a plate carrier (don't own plates yet, other than what I'm issued) with a matching pistol belt and more MARPAT than you can shake a stick at.

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:00 am
by Combat Controller
doc Russia wrote:I guess I must be a mall ninja :(
I have multicam in my closet, and I have not one, but two sets of body armor. I also have several medical kits floating around

oh...wait, that's right;
I work with three different SWAT teams providing operational medical support, so I actually use most of that crap.

Still, I do feel like a mall ninja sometimes when I am wearing all that garbage. Most of it I wear because it's what they want me to wear (it would be very bad press if I were to get killed, so I end up in a NIJ level IV coccooon in the belly of an APC when going out).
I would actually prefer it if I could just wear my jeans, cowboy boots, .45, plate carrier and medical kit and call it good.
You are more of a "donut ninja" than a "mall ninja", or perhaps a "pig ninja?" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:16 am
by JimTX

One way to exact some small measure of revenge here, would be to tote a classic, black leather Dr.'s "housecall" bag. And put in some extra work on your "hmmm", "ahhh", "hmph", and other terms of medical eloquence.

And don't forget to have some Sponge Bob band-aids along with you. Long as Sponge Bob is wearing DigiCam Square Pants, that is?

(can someone photoshop that one, please?)

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:20 pm
by Combat Controller
Damn, they added more photos. I like the ghille suit and the one where he's pointing his gun at the back of the "operator" in front of him. I swear, these guys look like that poster of the fat kid in ninja gear that everyone quotes as saying "I'm from the internet, I'm here to help."

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:38 pm
by Weetabix
Did anyone notice his "rough men stand ready" quote citation? I thought it was George Orwell, not Orson Wells.

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:38 pm
by Combat Controller
Weetabix wrote:Did anyone notice his "rough men stand ready" quote citation? I thought it was George Orwell, not Orson Wells.
HAHAHAHAHA! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:43 pm
by Combat Controller
In his profile photos he's carrying an AR with no rear sight. I guess in CQB you don't need one, that action is so fast and close. Plus he looks like he spends all day playing farmville.

You think he really shows up to serve warrants poking an AR at the perps? I think all the photos are just posing.

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:44 pm
by Aglifter
Pretty sure the "Rough Men" quote was by Teddy Roosevelt...

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:22 pm
by Weetabix
Aglifter wrote:Pretty sure the "Rough Men" quote was by Teddy Roosevelt...
This is a bit interesting. I'm a fond of quotes, so I like to get them right and attribute them right.

If I google "rough men stand ready" I get lots of attributions to George Orwell, a couple to Winston Churchill, a lot of statements that Orwell never said it (but that do not say who did say it), and a few references to Kipling. But I find nothing that says, "X said it in Y publication about Z."

I've always heard it attributed to Orwell, but with no evidence, I may have to just stop saying, "I think it was Orwell who said..."

Have you got a direct citation for Roosevelt's having said it? I must admit I don't have time to research it in much depth.

Re: Douchebags

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:12 pm
by Erik
I've heard the "Rough men" quote attributed to Orwell too, but googling now it seems I cant find a source for the exact quote. The closest actual quote I found was:
"Those who "abjure" violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf."
It's in "Notes on Nationalism" (1945)
And in his essay on Rudyard Kipling (1942), Orwell wrote:
"[Kipling] sees clearly that men can only be highly civilized while other men, inevitably less civilized, are there to guard and feed them."