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So close to success...

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:13 pm
by D5CAV
Feminist Vegan Cafe that charges men an 18% surcharge goes out of business: ... ter-24-mos

They were so close to a successful business model that charges men a lot more than 18% surcharge. Those businesses also give women priority seating, sometimes free drinks, and some of those women are even put on a pedestal and showered with cash.

So sad! If they had only made a slight change to their business model, they could continue to "soak men" for "participating in the patriarchy", and make a huge profit in the process!

I believe the colloquial term for those businesses is "strip clubs"

Re: So close to success...

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:56 pm
by randy
Apparently their price model wasn't the only issue

From Instapundit
It took 5 minutes to get the attention of a waitress who seemed to be more interested in chatting to her friends, rather than serving a customer who’d just walked through the door. I was eventually seated and chose the gnocchi paired with the suggested pinot noir. The gnocchi arrived and I was bitterly disappointed. The gnocchi was very undercooked and had a floury texture, the mushrooms were burnt and the dish lacked any real flavour. The only enjoyable part of the meal was the wine. I left most of my meal on the plate and finished my wine.

When I asked for the bill, the waitress asked if there was a problem with my meal, since I’d left most of it on my plate. When I told her of my dissatisfaction with the meal, she morphed into an aggressive and irate woman who then started dispatching some rather vile language. Not wanting to cause a scene, I subsequently left the requisite cash on the table, which included a 15% tip, and promptly walked out. As I was walking past the register on the way out, I could hear the same woman telling the other waitress working with her that I was a “vile beast” and that I “wasn’t welcome here again”.

You’ll notice he complained about everything but the price.

Re: So close to success...

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:50 am
by Jered
A vegan restaurant goes out of business...and nothing of value was lost.

Re: So close to success...

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:30 pm
I think the only vegitarian restaurants that see any real success, are the Indian ones, as its less about trying to make something emulate dishes that have meat in them, but a style in their own right, using dishes that have never had meat in them.