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Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:01 pm
by Vonz90 ... de-school/

Shocker, the radio transcripts contradict the public response.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:56 pm
by D5CAV
It gets better: ... -massacre/

SWAT officers who took the initiative to deal with school shooter without orders are suspended.

Lessons learned:
1. Being a hero can get you killed
2. Being a hero can get you fired
3. Taking cover and waiting for instructions - keep your job and retire with full pension and benefits

So, why are we dumping on [strike]Barney Fife[/strike] Scot Peterson?

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:00 pm
by randy
D5CAV wrote:It gets better: ... -massacre/

SWAT officers who took the initiative to deal with school shooter without orders are suspended.
I could understand a write up or a warning for failure notify their supervisor or dispatch they were responding. Responders should make some effort to not add to the chaos and confusion of the first minutes of any type of incident.

Supervisors need to know where their people are in case something else pops, or it turns out this call was a diversion or part of a coordinated series of attacks (such as in Mumbai). It would also help minimize Blue on Blue situations

But unless these officers have a history of freelancing and not keeping their bosses in the loop, this does seem excessive.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:55 am
by scipioafricanus
D5CAV wrote: So, why are we dumping on [strike]Barney Fife[/strike] Scot Peterson?
Well he is a coward and now a confirmed liar.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:55 am
by Netpackrat
I was reading about that earlier, and it sounded like the officers in question didn't lose their jobs, they were just suspended from the SWAT team.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:12 pm
by Windy Wilson
Rod wrote:Can't find it now but there's a report floating around that's been verified by other sources that BCSO, Parkland PD, and the local school district colluded to not report misdemeanor and felony behavior in students of the district so the school district could get more money and some kind of award for excellence.
This is getting a lot of radio airplay, it was a program and policy initiated in the last 8 years to reduce the "School to Prison Pipeline" that supposedly exists, so if there was a way to avoid criminalizing criminal behavior by minors it was done.
The people who saw to it that this scum would have a clean background check are blaming the NRA. Why not the ACLU, too, since they have an even broader interpretation of the First Amendment than the NRA has of the Second? Speech is what the NRA used to permit this gun to be available to the scumbag.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:38 am
by scipioafricanus
More reasons to blame the NRA... ... sletterad=
However, it seems that not only did officers fail to enter the school when they arrived, thus potentially resulting in more deaths, but they violated their own policy in the process.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:18 am
by Langenator
And still more reason:

School And Mental Health Officials Knew For Eighteen Months That Cruz Was Dangerous

Actually, if you read the article, it says that they recommended he be placed in a residential treatment facility in 2013.

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:35 am
by D5CAV
This story just keeps getting better. ... c-facility

It turns out that the po-po who recommended that Cruz be involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility was none other than (drum roll please)
the much-vilified [strike]Barney Fife[/strike] Scot Peterson
A psychological assessment service initiated by Cruz's mother, Henderson Behavioral Health (HBH), show high school resource officer and Sheriff's deputy Scot Peterson along with two high school counselers recommending that Cruz be committed for mental evaluation under Florida's Baker Act - which allows for the involuntary commitment of a person for at least three days.
Obviously, someone higher-up than Barney countermanded that recommendation, probably for political reasons, as highlighted earlier by Rich and Jered: ... lives.html

I'm waiting for some MSM reporter (if any real reporters still exist) to find out which senior official in the Broward County Sheriff's office or Broward County School District was responsible and write an editorial apologizing to gun owners and the NRA (sound of crickets chirping).

Re: Deputy On Duty Didn't Engage Shooter

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:04 am
by Netpackrat
There is some logic to being unwilling to deal with a problem at the risk of your own life, when you tried to deal with it earlier and were overruled by people who are now conspicuously absent.