The Idioessey of Obamacles

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Joe ex PNG

The Idioessey of Obamacles

Post by Joe ex PNG »

From the great Iowahawk:

Just a sample...
Book the Second: Obamacles Meets the Oracle of Doritos

From the land of Kenya beyond Nile, came Obamacles the Elder
To the grad school at Oahu, where Ann of Kansas bore him a son.
It would prove to be a hassle, thus he left his baby's mama,
who then won favor with Soertoro, who brought them to his far-off island nest.
Young Obamacles was growing, and they shipped him back to Gramma,
And the prep school on Oahu. There he trained and studied boldly,
Drinking beer and smoking weed: Maui Wowie, paca lolo, sensimilla,
blunts and chiva, Thai and chronic, just enough to hone his mellow,
in the back of Kyle's TransAm, a line or two of coke on weekends.

In his mellow young Obamacles beheld a vision in the salty snacks at Safeway;
There the Oracle of Doritos bade him:

"Travel the seas to the East, fair Obamacles, for this is where your fortune lies.
But beware, that way bodes peril if thou are not pure of image and smooth of delivery.
Seek first the masters of Occidental College, who will train you in the philosophers of Po-Mo."

Replied young Obamacles,

"Accidental college heh heh heh heh Accidental moxidental taxidental heh heh,"

And Kyle is like,

"Dude you're totally talking to the Doritos. That is totally bonus."
...At the sound of Hildusa's name even brave Obamacles was driven to piss his toga,
For Hildusa, cuckolder of Bubba, was the mightiest of all the gorgons.
From her head grew a writhing nest of asps, and the mere sight of her cankles
Would turn a man to stone. Some said she came from Lesbos
But others said her only pleasure was torment and sucking the marrow from her victim's bones.
Around her at all times was a phalanx guard of mincing eunuchs,
led by Ickis, Wolfsonis, Blumenthalis and Pennis. At her side, an angry force
of menopausal PUMAs ready to strike on her command -- for the children.

Re: The Idioessey of Obamacles

Post by DougWojtowicz »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Posts: 1466
Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:21 pm

Re: The Idioessey of Obamacles

Post by Fivetoes »

I have been a fan of the Hawk for some time. He has quite a way with words.
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