Seattle is freaking Deranged.

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Re: Seattle is freaking Deranged.

Post by Rod »

Jered wrote:
SeekHer wrote: It snowing, the roads are icy, so how about slowing the fuck down instead of cruising as you would on a balmy summer day? Get snow tires for the winter and learn how to fucking drive, is the best advice you can give these retards behind the wheels or most of the vehicles…
A couple months ago, my parents drove through about ten states.

According to them, the only drivers worse than the Washington drivers are the Oklahoma drivers.

They've never been in New Mexico or Florida. As a matter of fact they've never driven in El Paso.
one can be a Democrat, or one can choose to be an American.
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Re: Seattle is freaking Deranged.

Post by mekender »

Rod wrote:
Jered wrote:
SeekHer wrote: It snowing, the roads are icy, so how about slowing the fuck down instead of cruising as you would on a balmy summer day? Get snow tires for the winter and learn how to fucking drive, is the best advice you can give these retards behind the wheels or most of the vehicles…
A couple months ago, my parents drove through about ten states.

According to them, the only drivers worse than the Washington drivers are the Oklahoma drivers.

They've never been in New Mexico or Florida. As a matter of fact they've never driven in El Paso.
ya, try spending a week driving around Orlando... our locals were not bad enough, we had to import shitty drivers from 49 other states as well as about 120 countries... you haven't lived until you see a British man get on the wrong way of an exit ramp of an interstate, and a Brazilian family get out of their car in the middle of of the exit ramp and get into a fist fight over it.
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Re: Seattle is freaking Deranged.

Post by SeekHer »

workinwifdakids wrote: about slowing the fuck down instead of cruising as you would on a balmy summer day? Get snow tires for the winter and learn how to fucking drive, is the best advice you can give these retards behind the wheels or most of the vehicles…
It's as though you're trying to say something, but I can't tell. If only there were some theme, or indication of what you're trying to get across. I'm lost in a sea of subtlety.
Was I too subtle? Had I expressed my true feeling it would have been just one very long expletive describing the relations of their parents and other family members with barnyard animals and amongst themselves and paying (or not) customers, to be able to bring forth such utterly stupid, useless, in-bred pieces of shit—drivers, road dept officials and legislators whether federal, state, county or municipal! I think that that would have been a little clearer, don't you?

My neighbour had some friends over for a party last week-end and some ten cars, that couldn't fit in his driveway, had to park on the road...We live outside the city on a well maintained road which this asshole decides to cruise down at around 70 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, during a heavy snowfall with visibility about 100 yards and of course looses control and takes out three of the parked cars...He flees the scene but unfortunately for only about 350 yards down the road where he hits an icy patch and ends up in the ditch totaling his car...

They call the Mounties who come out and charge the fuckstain with 1) reckless driving, 2) driving in excess that conditions warrant, 3) vehicular damage, 4) fleeing the scene of an accident and 5) fleeing on foot from the scene to avoid prosecution...He ran off into a field and realized that he was about 40 KM from town and the next group of houses were a mile and a half down the road, so he came back to his car and had the audacity to call CAA (AAA) on his cell phone to come and tow him! The RCMP of course noted his footprints in the thigh high snow for the last charge…They could only estimate the speed he was traveling so he couldn’t be charged with speeding in addition to the other charges..

Not only was he not driving on winter tires but the summer shit he had on were completely bald so they charged him with 6) operating an unsafe vehicle as well…Here, at least, if you have a license you have basic insurance and if there are plates on the car then it is insured by the Province so no one had to pay to repair the damage…We await anxiously the outcome of the pending trial…

Snow tires, besides offering a greater surface with their aggressive thread pattern are also constructed of a different compound that remains more flexible or pliable in cold weather helping in stopping or starting…The biggest mistake people make is trying to power rev their way out of being stuck where the opposite is needed—extremely slow, so the tire can grip something (keep some carpet samples in the trunk and put them under the tires) and rock the vehicle back and forth and that mindset comes into play when they drive as well…They leave at the same time in the winter to get to work as the summer and of course drive too fast for the conditions where if they leave ten minutes earlier they’ll make it into work without getting into an accident…The insurance companies did a study and found that more accidents happen on the way to work then at any other time and because the people where rushed, sped and took unnecessary chances…

My complaint against salt, besides the rusting out, is that it makes the road look like it’s summertime and these crazies drive like it is not realizing that salt also has a tendency to create “black ice” that looks like the road surface…Hitting it at speed results in you being in the ditch, guaranteed but you just don’t know which side of the road you’ll end up in or in which direction you’ll be facing! I hit a patch when young, but luckily I was going slow (35 MPH?), as I had just rounded a corner, and I still did an even dozen 360s down the road ending up ass end into the snow bank on the other side of the road and couldn’t move as it was a rear wheel drive car necessitating me doing a lot of shoveling snow to get out (another thing that lots of people don’t carry, a snow shovel)!

I fully agree with Florida having collectively the greatest accumulation of terrible, horrifying and completely inept--usually well over aged--drivers in the US and Canada...Both sets of my in-laws live near there and are octogenarians and have been forced to stop driving by "surviving" family members! They walk, ride bicycles and the older set a Vespa scooter, get driven by friends and family and of course take taxis…
There is a certain type of mentality that thinks if you make certain inanimate objects illegal their criminal misuse will disappear!

Damn the TSA and Down with the BATF(u)E!
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Re: Seattle is freaking Deranged.

Post by Jered »

Rod wrote:
Jered wrote:
SeekHer wrote: It snowing, the roads are icy, so how about slowing the fuck down instead of cruising as you would on a balmy summer day? Get snow tires for the winter and learn how to fucking drive, is the best advice you can give these retards behind the wheels or most of the vehicles…
A couple months ago, my parents drove through about ten states.

According to them, the only drivers worse than the Washington drivers are the Oklahoma drivers.

They've never been in New Mexico or Florida. As a matter of fact they've never driven in El Paso.
No they haven't.

We've got some freaking dumbasses here though.

Last night, someone got stuck in our driveway. And today someone else about got stuck in our driveway. :roll:
The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.
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Re: Seattle is freaking Deranged.

Post by 308Mike »

SeekHer wrote:Both sets of my in-laws live near there and are octogenarians and have been forced to stop driving by "surviving" family members! They walk, ride bicycles and the older set a Vespa scooter, get driven by friends and family and of course take taxis…
And once they no longer have car expenses, they probably discovered (since they weren't driving as much as when they were younger) they now have more money in their pockets even with having to pay cab fares on occasion.

A person properly schooled in right and wrong is safe with any weapon. A person with no idea of good and evil is unsafe with a knitting needle, or the cap from a ballpoint pen.

I remain pessimistic given the way BATF and the anti gun crowd have become tape worms in the guts of the Republic. - toad
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Re: Seattle is freaking Deranged.

Post by skb12172 »

our locals were not bad enough, we had to import shitty drivers from 49 other states as well as about 120 countries... you haven't lived until you see a British man get on the wrong way of an exit ramp of an interstate, and a Brazilian family get out of their car in the middle of of the exit ramp and get into a fist fight over it.
Ahhh, celebrate diversity.
There must be an end to this intimidation by those who come to this great country, but reject its culture.
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