Drove a GT-R

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Drove a GT-R

Post by rightisright »

A good friend of mine just took delivery of a Nissan GT-R in white. He was nice enough to let me take it for a spin yesterday. What a hoot!

The first thing you notice about the car is how big it is. It's hard to tell from all the photos on the web. But it's a big car.

The interior has so many buttons and gizmos that it's almost to the point of distraction. But after a while, one would probably get used to them. The seats are a bit tight for my 6'2" 260# frame, but not bad enough to be uncomfortable.

Now, I'm no stranger to fast cars. From my hot-rods in high school to the 450 HP sedan I drive now, I've been in more than a few of them. But the GT-R is a whole 'nother ballgame. This thing RIPS! You punch it, the AWD grips the pavement with tenacity and you are propelled to 60 MPH in the low 3 second range!

Handling? Like a go-cart. We were ripping around offramps at high speed with nary a hint of oversteer or understeer. It had a very neutral and reassuring feel to it.

All in all, this thing is a world-beater. I can't imagine a better car for $70,000.

Now, if they would just make the front end look less cheesy...
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Re: Drove a GT-R

Post by FelixEstrella »


Why does one need such a greenhouse gas spewing, dinosaur burning, monstrosity?



Most cool! The fastest car I ever drove was a tuned up BMW M5.
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Re: Drove a GT-R

Post by Steamforger »


Why does one need such a greenhouse gas spewing, dinosaur burning, monstrosity?

This is probably the exact sentiment of the woman I saw at Best Buy yesterday driving the Cadillac SUV with Granholm stickers all over it. Amazing, isn't it? :?
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