Joss Whedon/Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.LD."

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Joss Whedon/Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.LD."

Post by dfwmtx »

Watched this last night on the DVR with my wife, the Whedon fan.

Seems to be the usual Joss Wheddon trademarks, witty dialogue between characters, funny little moments during all the action. Shepard Book is back; let's see if he'll be a regular of if this was a cameo. And while rumors of Agent Coleson's death were greatly exaggerated, it seems his recovery is a bit mysterious (I'm guessing he was a brain in a jar hooked up to a virtual reality, a'la the Matrix while they grew a cloned body for him). And I don't think/hope we won't see the usual stable of big name Marvel comic book characters. I think they'll be saving those for future movies. However, there's some small elements from one movie they brought into this episode; whatever the MacGuffin which caused people to explode in Iron Man 3 seems to make a cameo appearance in this episode. I have a feeling it'll show in later episodes as well.
Let's hope Joss doesn't eventually hand this off to other writers later like he did with "Angel" while he goes and tries to breathe new life into TV vampires (still waiting for Buffy the Vampire Slayer: the Next Generation").

What do y'all think?
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